We Meet the Demands for Top-Level Talent in Any Industry

As your comprehensive resource for recruiting and hiring, Maslow Media Group (MMG) has the network, the resources, and the institutional knowledge to find the right video crew, IT staff, or executive candidate to help grow and lead your team.

We specialize in recruiting, video crews, and IT staffing services and provide:

  • Expertise in the multimedia and video production industry, but also support the specific requirements of companies in the IT, finance, accounting, and administrative industries
  • Advertising and marketing cost management
  • A wide range of contacts, including cable networks, corporate media departments, companies, and thousands of professionals we have worked with over the years
  • Complete involvement throughout the hiring process – including screening, negotiations, and contract or offer letter preparation

Working with the utmost professionalism and discretion, our executive recruiting and hiring team can make sure that short-listed candidates meet all requirements of the job and the high standards of our clients. We continue to monitor and foster the relationship after a placement has been made.

Professionals and Crews

Our global network of industry professionals and our experienced outsourced recruiting team can fill every requirement of your staffing needs to match your company’s sense of urgency.

As a leading provider of multimedia and video production services, we regularly provide broadcasters worldwide with the highest quality camera and video crews as well as other technical and creative talent.

The MMG Staffing Process

  • Interview and screen candidates thoroughly
  • Process background & reference checks
  • Negotiate compensation package
  • Monitor performance

We are a video production staffing agency, IT staffing agency, recruitment agency, and much, much more.

Request a Free Consultation